June update v13

*The drop and stones limit has been raised.
(Pa/Ma = 27% - Mr/Dr/Hit = 63%).

*The TPS of Argentina Warehouse were changed
- The gates will go to Aresden and Elvine.
- You cannot enter from ml, only tps from ch.
(The idea of ​​this is that the RAID returns in the cities)

*Rep limit raised to 7k.

*New npc added to maps:
- HellDeath in Promiseland (pit HC).
- LightWorm in IceMap (RedPoint).
- DeathWyvern in Promiseland (190, 60).

*KitStarted was activated

*City safes were enlarged.
(Now the safe covers in an original way)

*Items were added to trade coins.
*Items were added to the ItemQuest.
*The StatedQuest percentage was increased.
*The rare drop has been uploaded.

*Events on the calendar have been rearranged.
*SummonEvent mobs have been updated.
*TPS were activated for dungeons in sade city.

Staff Helbreath Argentina.
Working for your fun!

Posted by LaloRamos 05-29-2024

HBARG Maintenance May.

The RedCandy Insert was removed completely.
The BlueCandy Delete was removed completely.
Fixed Rush event.
Fixed the npc bar of some mobs.
Some damage was fixed.
A general maintenance of the entire server was carried out.

People who bought the Candy Insert please send email to
To claim the corresponding coins.
(I have already given most of them, just in case I missed any).

An update is being worked on, where there will be modifications
of maps a...


Posted by LaloRamos 05-23-2024

Update May II Improvements

*The drop & Stones limit has been raised:
(Pa/Ma = 24% - Mr/Dr/Hit = 56%).

*New Launcher v9 with new options:
- New compatibility with Windows 8/10/11.
Select in Graphics: Directx11!

Direct Download - Launcher Full - Click Here!

Direct Download - Launcher Mini - Click Here!

*Added in Panel:
- Added life bar ...


Posted by LaloRamos 05-13-2024

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